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Home » Slow Night Workshop

Slow Night Workshop

Slow Night will host an open sketch-style workshop which has a gamified drawing prompt menu with multiple mediums and paper supplies. Experience a collective creativity by working with familiar faces and those yet unfamiliar. When was the last time you did something just for fun?

Gabrielle Bohna and Isabelle Santiago

Slow Night, founded by Gabrielle Bohna and Isabelle Santiago, runs low-key art events for the perpetual beginner. We invite non-artists, bad artists, and burnt-out creatives to come chill and rediscover the balancing power of visual art and creative self-expression. We host art workshops in downtown Toronto to help people reconnect with their innate creativity and sense of play. All of our events are led with gentle coaching and guidance, and all art materials are always provided. The only thing we ask our guests to bring are good vibes and an open mind

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